Living Large in Small Spaces

RV Tips and Tricks That Make a Difference


Hello! We’re Paul and Lorena

paul and lorena alaska

RV travel was never on our radar, but once we started we were hooked!

Now our mission is to help as many people as possible realize their dream of traveling full-time in an RV.

When we hit the road in late 2016, we had no idea where this journey would take us and it has been full of many great surprises!

We want to share all of the information we’ve learned since starting out on this adventure. Our goal is to bring you everything from off-the-beaten-path camping spots to luxury campgrounds that you can’t believe exist.

Learn more about our story ➡️

paul and lorena RV travel to artic ocean

Our Favorite RV Travel Apps and Travel Companies

Although Lorena and I have only been traveling full-time in our RV for the past 9 years, we’ve been traveling together for over 12 years. We have used many apps and companies to help plan our trips. Here’s our list of the best RV travel apps. They are where all of our travel planning and booking starts.

We believe they are where you should start your trips too!


We’ve done our best to implement sustainable RV living using renewable energy sources like RV solar and low environmental impact practices. Conserving power, water and waste will make you a better ambassador of the RV lifestyle.

Moving forward we will be exploring even more options for RV solar and RV power upgrades.

RV Accessories

We will help you learn what RV accessories you need, what ones you thought you needed but don’t, and others that you will never use, but think you will.

We’ve tested or researched many RV accessories and products so we can recommend them to you.

RV Road Trip Adventures

We’ve taken many road trips that have taken us to amazing places. From the Florida Keys in the southeast to the Maritime Provinces on Canada’s east coast. From Tuktoyaktuk in the Northwest Territories, to Baja California Sur. Your RV can take you to incredible places.

Follow us on our Youtube channel to join us on our adventures and become a member of our Adventure Nation Community.

tme on youtube