Get in Touch
We love hearing from people, however, as our Youtube channel and website have grown, the volume of e-mail and messages have gotten to a point that it is difficult to answer everyone. Here are a few things to consider before sending us a message. We really don’t want to restrict email and we want to be as helpful as possible, but it’s just too hard to keep up with the volume of messages we receive.
- If you are looking for general destination information, please search for a video on our Youtube channel or use the search bar on the top right of the navigation bar. Basic information on what to see, do, and how much things cost in a place can be found throughout the site. We will have more information as our website grows.
- We love planning itineraries but planning them can be a very time consuming and personal process. Our advice is always to simply jump onto Google maps and search your destination. If you want to take more backroads, simply set the option to avoid highways. When it comes to what places to go and things to see, only you can answer that.
Itinerary feedback will go unanswered because we just don’t have enough time to repsond to everyone who wants us to plan their trips for them. We aren’t a travel agency and can’t offer personalized itinerary planning. Well we can, but you don’t even want to know the price for that!! 🤣 - If you’re looking to inquire about having us on press trips, sponsored tours, doing brand partnerships, and the like, please contact us at IN**@PA***********.COM until we can afford an assistant to handle that for us.
NOTE: We don’t do any link insertions. Please don’t email us any link/SEO related inquiries. - If you’ve found an error on the site, also contact us at IN**@PA***********.COM so that we can fix it. Travel information changes all the time and it’s just the two of us, so any errors that we can fix, we welcome the help!
- If you’d like to reach us and ask us a question, the best way to do that is via social media. Find us on any of the platforms listed below. We’re a little more responsive there than we are by email.
Paul and Lorena